dancing gardener
Finally putting something into the ground. I think the really cold weather may be done and im going to take a chance. The peas i planted to aPEAse the Ides of March are nice and tall and if i left them any longer they would be tangling amongst themselves. I use a broken shovel handle sharpened into a poky stick for jabbing through leaves into super soil. Then the pea "plugs" get inserted. Did i mention to water after each transplanting? I will repeat this a kazillion times until i can remember myself. And a really good lesson learned this year was DONT DROWN the peas. They do not want to remain in cool wet soil for too long as they germinate. The short bush varieties all rotted and will need replanting.
And just wait for the blue peas! Clitoria ternatea! And im not worried about my "P"s and "Q"s - thats the latin name. So dont war me or i will sic Green PEAce on you!!!

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daniel tomelin, dancing gardener, dancing gardener