dancing gardener
Stored Life Energy...or....Too Lazy to Pick?
The story i am sticking to is that i am leaving beans on the vine to pick at any time throughout the winter. In a little house on the prairie where all the larder may be gone or cabin burn down, leaving it on the vine may be smart. Or maybe im just lazy. Anyways, lt is still pretty cool to go out and get beans for sprouting or soup throughout the winter and right up to spring planting!
One Bottle Down...or..... Getting to the Root of the Problem.
When you plant your garden try to be aware of surrounding trees and shrubs like cedars. The cedar roots sent a few tap roots under the pathway which bloomed into an almost solid mat of tendrils. These roots insinuated themselves into the moist nutrient rich soil and sucked it dry like i almost did to the bottle of wine it took to dig this trench last nite. I will make a root/moisture barrier out of lumber tarp and cedar siding to prevent this from reoccurring. No wonder i was having so few strawberries and peas from along this side of the garden!

daniel tomelin, dancing gardener, dancing gardener